February 12, 2025

Below 2020 Media

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Fit Club continues after sight loss charity closes down

1 min read
Lance Preater with fitness instructor David Sharky

Lance Preater being given professional instruction by David Sharky

On December 31st 2021, Losing My Sight UK, one of Portsmouth’s most active sight-loss charities, will cease operation, partially due to the impact of COVID. The most popular group activity however, The Fit Club will continue under new management with United Vision Portsmouth which is being run by some of Losing My Sight UK’s members. The Fit Club takes place every Wednesday from 11.15am until 12.15pm at the John Pounds Centre in Queens Street, Portsmouth

The Fit Club consists of a trained instructor to lend a helping hand and give professional advice. If you are interested, visit at the times listed above, and join in the activities. Social gatherings for lunch or coffee in the cafe are also the norm most weeks, so you will be made at home and welcomed.

Losing My Sight UK’s chairman, Dave Taylor says “after nearly five years of running the charity it will be sad to see it close, but due to COVID and lack of funding, this will be the right time for us to say goodbye knowing we have made an impact in the community in our 5 years of operation.”

We are proud that it is indeed former members of Losing My Sight UK who have formed their own community group, in order to continue with activities such as The Fit Club. We wish United Vision Portsmouth all the success in the world, and will continue to support them throughout.

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