October 17, 2024

Below 2020 Media

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Local Welsh Charity Awarded GlaxoSmithKline IMPACT Award

2 min read

Sight Cymru provide services to support and build independent living skills for people with sight loss in Wales, working to raise eye health care awareness amongst children and minority communities. The charity also helps to advise and support the Welsh Government eye-care strategy. The awards are designed to recognise and reward charities that are doing excellent work to improve people’s health. They have been running for 20 years and Sight Cymru is the only Welsh Charity to have won the award this year.

Amongst over 400 applicants Sight Cymru were one of the ten who receive an award this year. “Sight Cymru is committed to health and wellbeing of those with sight loss, it works hard to raise importance of eye health and its work with Wales’ diverse communities is particularly impressive” Judges commented.

The prestigious award provided Sight Cymru with £30,000 of unrestricted funding and access to a Leadership programme provided by King’s Fund. There will be further programs that Sight Cymru will be able to join, allowing the support of the organisation to grow from strength to strength. Previous award winners cite this as the factor that enables them to grow very significantly, and provide services more effectively to more people.
Sharon Beckett, CEO of Sight Cymru said “The whole team are delighted to have received the award; it has been a real boost to everyone that is linked with the organisation from staff and volunteers to service users. The recognition and support that the award brings will help us to broaden our horizon and reach out to serve wider communities”.