2 min read
Lockdown taking affect at last in Portsmouth.
Today was the first day following the government ordering the majority of the UK’s population to stay at home for at least three weeks, this is to help suppress the Coronavirus and save lives.
Only key workers such as NHS staff, Healthcare Support Workers and people working in supermarkets which includes delivery drivers will be exempt, however there are some grey areas about construction workers as they work outside, the government has also told non essential shops to close as well as libraries, cafes, gyms, clubs and pubs.
I for one had to go out to buy some essential shopping in Tesco in Crasswell Street Portsmouth I arrived there around 09.30am and found the store implementing their own measures which was encouraging, such as no more than three items per customer and when you finished your shopping you had to queue past the tills and be more than six feet from the person in front of you.
There were taped off areas by the till and you were not allowed to move from the taped off areas provided until you were told to, as much as any supermarket do to protect their customers and staff, I felt they had done a great job, what really gets my goat are the idiots who panic buy, you hear it on the news and read about it on social media, why in the hell do people do this it makes me laugh that the main thing they buy up is toilet rolls, we are not in the midst of a Norovirus it is Coronavirus so why stock up on loo rolls it makes no sense at all.
Please respect others who are in more need than you like NHS staff and the vulnerable and elderly, only buy what you need and there will be enough for everyone.

So the lockdown begins and this means people in Britain will be allowed to leave their homes for only very LIMITED PURPOSES.
Which is for basic food shopping.
One form of exercise a day.
For any medical needs.
To and from work only if necessary.
Do not meet friends or family who you do not live with.
The police have powers to enforce the rules through fines and dispersing gatherings.
All gatherings of more than two people in public excluding people you live with are BANNED.
Please adhere to all the rules the government have implemented it is for your own good it is to protect you and your loved ones and most of all it is to help the NHS to cope with this virus which is very deadly so please do not ignore any of the above advice.