March 7, 2025

Below 2020 Media

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Passport and Home Office Not Sympathetic Enough

2 min read

When you send in your Filipino passport to the Home Office  so that you can get a bio metric card and then you receive  devastating news that your 41 year old daughter who is living back home in the Philippines  had been admitted to hospital with advanced cervical cancer, all you want to do is go back home too be with your loved one.

This is what has happened to Josefina Enerio who has been living in the UK for the passed 16 years and works at Queen Alexandra Hospital Cosham, but there is a major problem Josefina 65 can not get her passport back from the Home Office for another 10 days, despite it being sent to them on 15th June.

Josefina was told to go online to request her passport back which she did and that is when she was told it could take up to 10 day working days, all she wants to do is to book her flight home home so she can be with her daughter perhaps for the last time.

Josefina reached out to me to see if I can help, so I attempted to contact the Home Office myself and was being directed to the Passport Office who were not really sympathetic at all, you can tell you were talking to a jobs worth, all I was being told that there was nothing they can do because they deal with passport enquiries only, I kept on saying that I know what you are saying but you must be able to pass me onto someone that can help or at least give me a phone number.

Again I got the same answer which to be honest is a load of rubbish, if civil servants want a pay rise  then I suggest they stand in line behind the nurses who do a move valuable job than a stupid woman and the Passport Office saying “I can’t help call the Home Office” …..  “Breaking News”  I phoned the Home Office and this woman picked up the phone.

Anyhow rant over and steam coming from my ears I decided to call Josefina’s local MP who is Penny Mordaunt and is also my local MP as well, a kind lady answered the phone and reassured me they will call Josefina too try and help her, a few hours went by and no phone call, so I gave the number to Josefina to call them herself and she was told that they are going to send an email to the Home Office, which is more than what the Passport would do.

Now we are just waiting to see what happens and hope this situation gets resolved very quickly so Josefina can go home and be with her daughter, I know the Passport Office are very busy but there must be a procedure to deal with situations like this, who knows.